Teacher Seminar on East Asia

Teacher Seminar on East Asia

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The National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) and the Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE) present a unique professional development opportunity for middle and high school teachers of world geography, world history, world languages, religion, economics, and language arts/literature.

Seminar topics cover East Asian geography, culture, religion, politics, history, literature, and art. The seminar series includes (1) lectures by Stanford scholars, (2) curriculum presentations by SPICE, (3) talks by authors of literature, (4) curricular applications for the classroom, (5) discussions of the Common Core State Standards. SPICE‘s teacher-centered professional development offers new perspectives, collaborative discussions, and the best scholarship and pedagogy available for promoting globally-minded classrooms.


Applications now available (priority given to early applicants).

NCTA Middle School (postmark by December 16, 2016)

NCTA High School (postmark by January 27, 2017)

2017 Seminar Schedule:

Breakfast and lunch are provided.

  • Middle School Sessions: January 18, February 8, March 8, March 29
    Full-day Wednesday sessions at Stanford University (January–April 2017), and one follow-up morning session on April 26.
  • High School Sessions: February 10, March 3, March 24, April 14
    Full-day Friday sessions at Stanford University (February-April 2017)


Benefits of Participation:

  • Content lectures on East Asia from Stanford faculty and other leading experts in the field
  • $250 professional stipend upon completion of all five sessions and seminar requirements
  • Optional three units of credit through Stanford University Continuing Studies
  • Excellent selection of free materials for classroom use
  • Discount on future curriculum purchases


For more information on the seminars offered to middle school or high school teachers through the Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education contact:

Naomi Funahashi                                                                        
High School Seminar Coordinator
P: 650.724.4396
F: 650.723.6784

Jonas Edman
Middle School Seminar Coordinator
P: 650.725.1480
F: 650.723.6784