Drawing on entries in the U.S.-Japan database, the Internet, and other resources, these Japan Bibliographies present annotations of books, periodicals, websites, and multimedia materials on topics of Japanese culture, society, history, and U.S.-Japan relations.
Resources for Teaching about Japanese Art
Presents annotations of 21 lesson plans and teacher's guides, a special issue of the journal Education about Asia, books and other bibliographies, Internet sites, and museum collections online dealing with Japanese art. Also available in PDF format ( 71.82 KB )
Manga and Anime: Focus on Youth Audiences
Briefly discusses the popularity of manga and anime, offers links to four selected websites, annotates 13 manga for various age levels, as well as 10 video/DVD works of anime. Also available in PDF format ( 49.11 KB )
Stereotypes of Japan in the United States
This bibliography summarizes books, journal articles, and lesson plans that address stereotypes of Japan as expressed in United States' media and popular culture. Since films are such an important part of popular culture in Japan as well as in the United States, this bibliography includes links to information about how some recent Hollywood movies have portrayed Japanese history and society. See the related Japan Digest "Japan in the U.S. Press: Bias and Stereotypes" (http://www.indiana.edu/~japan/Digests/press.htm) for a detailed description of the extent of bias and the frequent reliance on stereotypes in major United States newspapers. Also available in PDF format ( 46.52 KB )
Geisha literally means "arts person," although many stereotypes exist in the West about what geisha do and do not do. Geisha are traditional female entertainers who provide singing, dancing, conversation, games, and companionship to customers in certain restaurants. Along with sumo wrestlers, Mt. Fuji, and the bullet train, the geisha is an iconic image of Japan. The books, films, websites, journal articles, and other resources annotated in this bibliography provide some insight into this highly recognizable yet secretive profession. Also available in PDF format ( 44.71 KB )