Visual Arts

Why Visual Arts?
Harvard professor Howard Gardner put forth the idea that people have “multiple intelligences,” which include linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences.
In terms of “spatial” intelligence, visual imagery plays an important role in the visual/spatial student's learning process.
SPICE recognizes the role of multiple intelligences and believes all learners can benefit from different approaches to content learning. To this end, the Chao Minami Family Fund is generously supporting this mission to connect documentary filmmakers with educators across the world.
Free SPICE multimedia resources
SPICE provides numerous free multimedia resources, including videos, lessons, and interactive websites. In addition, SPICE has created numerous comprehensive K–12 curriculum units.
For filmmakers
Are you a filmmaker with a documentary film, and would like to partner with SPICE to create a teacher’s guide for your work? Or, if you would like to connect with other educators to review your film, please fill out our Documentary Filmmaker form.
For teachers
Are you an educator who would like to have access to more documentary films/filmmakers in exchange for your feedback and/or review? If so, please fill out our Educator Interest form.