Japan's Aging Population

Japan's Aging Population

Compiled April 2003
Links Verified July 2005

Articles and Essays

The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Presents an overview of the responsibilities and administrative activities of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (formerly the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Labour). Provides an explanation of the administrative structure of the Ministry, White Papers and Reports, Policy Information, Statistics and Other Data, and links to related sites.

General Principles Concerning Measures for the Aging
A report from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Outlines former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto's thoughts on some of the issues Japan faces and the ways it is dealing withthem as proposed at the 1996 Group of Seven Summit in Lyon, France.

Demographic Trends and their Implications for Japan's Future
A report from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Discusses the drop in Japan's fertility rates, the choice of individuals to remain single, co-residence with parents, the timing of births, the graying society, women's growing care burden, the changing family organization, and the burden of supporting an aging society.

Elderly Care and Women
Part of the Women's Online Media of Japan site. This article by Professor Keiko Higuchi explores changes in the lifestyles of women in the face of an aging society and the realities of caregiving, discusses the establishment of the Women's Association for a Better Aging Society and participation in policy making.

Chiba City News
Illustrates how the city of Chiba, Japan is responding to the challenges of an aging population.

Senior Citizen Special Welfare Services (Chiba City)
Introduces city services established to accommodate the elderly.


Health and Welfare Services for the Elderly
Part of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare's Annual Report on Health and Welfare 1999. Provides detailed charts with breakdowns of Health Service System for the Elderly, The Number of Elderly Participants per 1,000 Population in FY 1996, Health Services for the Elderly, Health Services Facilities for the Elderly, and Designated Home Visit Nursing Care Services for the Elderly.

Part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' publication, The Japan of Today. Presents statistical information, in narrative and chart forms, on Japan's population structure, social security, and social welfare systems.

Income of People over 60 Years Old
Data from the Public Opinion Survey on Household Savings and Consumption from The Central Council for Savings Information. Provides information on the source of income for people over 60 years old.

International Comparisons of Old-age Pensions
From the Annual Report of Health and Welfare from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Offers comparative figures for Japan, the United States, and several European nations.

International Comparison of Public Opinion on Supporting Elderly Parents
Data from a survey of people aged 18 to 24 from Japan, U.S.A., U.K., Germany, France, Sweden, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Brazil, and Russia. From The 6th World Youth Survey, Youth Affairs Administration, Management and Coordination Agency.

Households with Older Occupants
Offers a comparison of households with older occupants 1980-2000.