Stanford e-China Wit and Pep Initiative (SWAPI)

two hanging microphones
Stanford e-China Wit and Pep Initiative (SWAPI)

The Stanford e-China Wit and Pep Initiative (SWAPI) aims to engage more young students in China to express themselves effectively through public speaking and writing with a focus on global challenges and opportunities that demand international collaboration and cross-cultural understanding.

Open to students 10 to 18 years old, SWAPI invites participants to engage in discussions on any one of the following themes:

  • Technology and Innovation
  • Environmental Sustainability 
  • Health and Well-being 
  • Education and Learning
  • Business and Entrepreneurship 
  • Culture and the Arts

For more information and to register for SWAPI, please submit the interest form.


We are thrilled to announce the results of the 2023 Fall Stanford e-China Wit and Pep Initiative! The enthusiasm and talent showcased in the submissions surpassed our expectations. It brings us immense pride to have witnessed students from all over China speak about such a diverse range of topics. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the following participants. Your voices are powerful and your ideas inspiring. Keep speaking, sharing, and dazzling the world with your wit and pep!

a chart listing the names of honorees

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For more information, please contact Liyi Ye (Stanford e-China Advisor in China) via WeChat at hiStanford.

Fellowship Coordinator