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Project 17 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization connecting students around the world to address the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.

Instructor Kasumi Yamashita looks back on the first session of Stanford e-Fukuoka.

Stanford e-Hiroshima alumna Rio Sasaki shares her thoughts on being part of the last generation to hear the voices of atomic bomb survivors.

The following reflection is a guest post written by Nathan Chan, an alumnus and honoree of the 2021 Stanford e-China Program, which is accepting student applications until September 1, 2022.

First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige delivers welcoming comments at the East-West Center.

The following reflection is a guest post written by Seiji Yang, a 2020 alumnus of the Reischauer Scholars Program, which will begin accepting student applications on September 5, 2022.

High school students from San Jose and Salinas Valley met online with scholars from Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation for the inaugural International Security Symposium.

SPICE will host a 2022 teacher summer institute at the East-West Center, continuing its longstanding relationship with the Center.

The late Secretary Mineta was unwavering in his commitment to SPICE’s efforts to educate students about civil liberties and equality.

Yanai Scholars, Stanford e-Japan alumni, and EducationUSA representatives highlight a special session for the Spring 2022 Stanford e-Japan students.

Sekiguchi was the 2021 recipient of the Franklin R. Buchanan Prize for his curriculum development work on "What Does It Mean to Be an American?"